Board of Directors

Jared Abbott

Jared Abbott is the director of the Center for Working-Class Politics. Jared is a political scientist interested in progressive electoral strategy and working-class voting trends.

Matt Karp

Matt Karp is an associate professor of history at Princeton University and a contributing editor at Jacobin.

Katie Rader

Katie Rader is a political scientist specializing in race and labor politics in the United States.

Bhaskar Sunkara

Bhaskar Sunkara is the president of The Nation magazine, the editor and publisher of Jacobin magazine, as well as the publisher of Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy and the UK-based Tribune.

Research Associates

Fred DeVeaux

Fred DeVeaux is PhD student in Political Science at UCLA studying class politics and democracy.

Leanne Fan

Leanne Fan is a sociology student at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Leanne is interested in research that can build the multiracial working class movement.

Galen Herz

Galen Herz is a researcher focused on how progressive populist candidates can win in swing and red districts. Galen has also managed multiple campaigns in purple, urban-rural Whatcom County, WA and worked on the Bernie 2020 campaign in NH.

Jason Leach

Jason Leach is a researcher with a background in labor and education data.

John Marvel

John Marvel is an associate professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, where he does research on public sector work motivation, manager-employee relationships in public sector organizations, and public sector performance pay.

Faraz Rizvi

Faraz Rizvi is a writer and activist based out of the Inland Empire, CA. He studied Political Science at UC Riverside and currently works at the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice.